Digital Learning Program Development


Option 1: Create a Data Security Matrix

For this project, you’ll create a data security matrix similar to UNC Charlotte’s guidelines and/or NC State’s list of data elements and storage locations chart that’s customized for your district. You should list the data elements that your district has, applicable laws (FERPA, IDEA, Public Records laws, and board policies; most of them are included in NC State’s table already). You should also list the systems your school has access to and where data may be stored (7 points). In your reflection (3 points), address the challenges you had creating the chart and how you identified the data and systems reflected in the chart.

Option 2: Create a Cybersecurity/Data Security Training Module

Create a training module for users on the topic(s) of your choice throughout Unit 7. The module should be factually accurate (4 points) and use elements of good professional learning outlined in Unit 5 (2 points). The module may be for online or face-to-face delivery; synchronous or self-paced but should involve a training module and a plan for follow-up (1 point). In your reflection (3 points), identify the rationale behind the training module you created and the rationale for your design, a potential plan for implementation, and any challenges you faced in designing the activity.

Option 3: Awareness Campaign

Create an awareness campaign for users on the topic(s) of your choice throughout Unit 7. This differs from option 2 in that the awareness campaign would consist of posters (at least two), digital assets (at least 2), and a gamified activity (1). The campaign should be factually accurate (4 points) and should be complete and employ good marketing techniques as discussed in unit 1 (3 points). In your reflection (3 points), identify the rationale behind the training module you created and the rationale for your design, a potential plan for implementation, and any challenges you faced in designing the activity.

Option 4: Create a BYOD Data Security Policy

Create a policy for users who are accessing work data on personally owned devices. This should include encryption and password standards, data breach notifications, and other best practices (7 points). In your reflection, address the decisions you made, challenges you faced, and how you plan to monitor compliance (3 points).

Option 5: Create another cybersecurity Policy

Create a policy for cybersecurity for a school district or organization. This should include encryption and password standards, data sharing notifications, and other best practices (7 points). In your reflection, address the decisions you made, challenges you faced, and how you plan to monitor compliance (3 points).

Option 6: Complete a HECVET

Complete a HECVAT Lite for your school/business network environment (6 points). You will need help from IT staff to complete this. In your reflection, include a summary of your takeaways and surprises (4 points). Because this data is sensitive, do not post to the forum, contact me for a secure link to share.

Option 7: Create a Data Governance Plan

Using this guide as a reference, create an annotated outline for a data governance plan for your organization. An annotated outline doesn’t include the full narrative text, but would include the major areas in your plan and a high-level overview of the expectations within each area (5 points). In your reflection, identify why you made the decisions you did, and how your organizations needs are reflected within the plan (5 points).

Option 8: Choose Your Own Adventure

If there is a different product that you would like to create that is along the lines of the above projects, please contact me with a brief proposal.